look. see.  observe. contemplate. explore. incorporate enjoy. life with art


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Hand crafted beautifully scented candles by Maleka. Can be purchased at the Hive jewelry store in Aspen, Colorado.
Candles are soy & beeswax. #thehiveaspen #malekadesigns  @malekavrana @malekadesigns
Fall colors of the Carolinas
Love the brilliant floral colors of early autumn. Dahlias show them off the best! Happy Gardner!
Getting ready for summer to begin! Enjoying late afternoon tea, pretty summer sun, and garden scented candle @malekadesigns . #spodechina #tealyratea #lovemyloggia
The genius of Herbert Bayer exhibit at Aspen Meadows. Outstanding museum exhibit @resnickcenterforherbertbayerstudies #masterofbauhaus @malekadesigns  note traveling fanny pack from Maine artist Chake Higgison @bouquetsbytheroad